Friday, June 19, 2015

Burt Reynolds (a post from the past)

Hey all!
I've been traveling a bit this month, so I'm gonna share my first Revue with you all here while I continue gathering data for my next original entry.  Clearly I've changed the format a bit since this one (originally written in February) and gotten a bit more...."filmy", shall we say?  Babes, sorry to make you re-read an old one.  Anyone else who reads my "blog":  hope you enjoy!

A few nights ago, Smokey and the Bandit was on.  Normally I hate watching things on commercial TV, but it sucked me in.  Sally Field, so adorable!  And her 'break out from squeaky clean image" role!  Jackie Gleason, hilarious!  Seriously, how did he not have a heart attack making this movie, all the yelling and being mad!?  Jerry Reed, trucker and singer!  And of course, Fred the Basset Hound.  But oh, Burt Reynolds.  Handsome.  Funny.  Charming.  And the tight pants with the crazy package.  Every gay man's dream, really....right? 
It was still funny, although filled with horrible 1977 racism and sexism.  If taken in context, though, I have to say it was making me laugh (Jackie Gleason's son in the movie is a total dipshit and Jackie says to him this terrible/awesome line:  There's no way, *no* way that you came from *my* loins. Soon as I get home, first thing I'm gonna do is punch yo mamma in da mouth!)
(I'd suggest pairing this movie with an ice cold Coors, which is what they were hauling around to win the bet)

So then I got to thinking about Burt Reynolds and one movie that continually pops up in my head is Semi-Tough.  I never see it on TV.  Not sure if any of you have seen it, but it's basically about two pro football players who are best friends (Burt and Kris Kristofferson - total hottie back then).  Jill Clayburgh is the daughter of the team owner and also their best friend.  Kris gets caught up in an EST type program, ends up sleeping with Jill and they want to get married, but she never really understands the EST thing, Burt realizes HE loves know.  Anyway, I remember it being really funny when I was young, so I found it On Demand and watched it.  It was okay, sadly not as funny as I remember it being when I was 14.  Probably I just liked all the swearing.  REALLY racist (A jerky reporter asks Burt why he wants to be a football player and Burt says (to mess with the guy) "Because we like to shower with niggers"  WHA??) and pretty sexist.  It doesn't have the same charm overall as Smokey and the Bandit (despite having the above cast and folks like Robert Preston (Music Man!  Victor/Victoria!!), Bert Convy (always guest stars in 70s TV) and Brian Dennehy - you see his butt, btw.  Weird).
(I'd suggest pairing this with whiskey - probably cheap - straight up)

So my take away is this....
#1 - My life is probably getting pretty dull for you guys if I can write this much about two movies from the '70s
#2 - Burt Reynolds was totally hot...not only body and face but adorably charming and funny.
#3 - Some nostalgic movies need to stay buried in your mind and not brought back to the surface.
#4 - I pretty much always was a 13 year old boy.


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