Monday, February 15, 2016

The one where Sue says Hi to one of her issues and doesn't revue anything

This morning I had a revelation.  For real.
I've been having an extraordinarily hard time deciding what to write about for this post  It made sense to be some kind of Valentine's Day post...about love or some such drivel.  I'm not a fan of the Valentine's Day shenanigans (okay, maybe I would be if I ever actually dated anyone long enough) and while I love a good rom com as much as anyone else, that felt a little obvious.  But then where do you go from there?  I kicked around a few ideas - maybe I write about actors I adore?  Or maybe I write about horrible-things-that-happened-on-Valentine's-Day movies (like Valentine's Day Massacre or My Bloody Valentine).  Or maybe I suck it up and write about frickin' rom coms anyway (I recommend Just Friends or The Wedding Singer!  Love both of them!).  Sheesh.  What to do?
In the end,  I couldn't do anything.  I was stuck. Nothing was resonating.  I couldn't even come up with an opening line. I started watching films starring one of my actor crushes from my college years, but honestly it wasn't firing me up as a "right around Valentine's Day" post.  I froze up; I wasn't watching ANYthing...I was in complete avoidance mode.  I was reading BOOKS, for crying out loud! 
I was walking to the shuttle this morning, thinking about how I could maybe make the meager scraps I have so far of the college crush idea into a viable post.  Then, just like the stinkin' sun rising over the houses on the other side of the street and blinding me, it hit me.  My commitment issues were showing.  All over the place. I could not COMMIT.  And therein lies the whole of my relationship conundrum.  I get squirrelly.  It's not them, it's me!  (Okay, maybe sometimes it's them but it definitely takes two to tango)  Wow, what a crazy can of worms to be faced with at 7:50am.  I don't particularly want to examine this part of my life through the movies I watch, therefore I'm not gonna be able to figure out what to write about.  It's a squishy, uncomfortable place, and I'd prefer to not think about it, thank you VERY much. 
I have no doubt that most of you are like "Duh, Sue."  And it's not like I haven't flirted with this thought before.  But I'm a fucking AMAZING compartmentalizer.  So let's just have a nice moment with this revelation and then I'll fold it up and put it back into my overstuffed suitcase filled with "I'll think about it tomorrow".
While you probably aren't really enjoying this trip down my own personal yellow brick road of psychology, enjoy your respite from my movie prattle.  That shit will be back soon enough!
**In an added bit of history - Sue's Revue's started one year ago!  I was writing emails to the Bookbabes about the movies I was watching while I wasn't working.  The first one I did officially was my Burt Reynolds email (Feb 11, 2015), which I recreated for this blog a few months ago.   So you can all either thank the Babes for this blog or curse them! It's up to you. I know which one I would choose.
(My drink pairing for this post is lots of pink champagne while you are stumped and avoiding the truth, then a good stout cup of tea on the Monday morning when it all comes clear.)

My takeaways:
#1 - This whole post is a takeaway, methinks.



  1. Sue, when you were six years old, your mother took you to the Century 21 Theater (before they cut it up into smaller theaters) to see the entire "Gone With the Wind," including a 15-minute intermission. No wonder you are such an expert compartmentalizer-- you learned from Scarlett O herself. After all, tomorrow IS another day!
