Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Everybody loves a ginger!

I haven’t watched any movies (or really much of anything) for the last two weeks.  This is 100% due to the fact that I obtained something much more entertaining…a kitten.  
Finn is his name.  He is ridiculous and adorable and ginger.  He just turned 3 months old and is as small as can be.  I am totally in love.
I had forgotten, because it’s been awhile since Cosmo was tiny, but when there is a kitten in your house it’s pretty much all you want to watch.  So no movies.  Because this:

What I thought I’d do instead, is highlight some excellent performances by ginger cats in films.

Alien - released in 1979
Jonesy is the resident cat on the Nostromo - the commercial hauler that was sent out into deep space to answer an SOS.  And I can guarantee, if Jonesy had been captain of that ship, there was no way in hell they would have responded to that call. He knew that was a suicide mission from the moment he woke up from hypersleep.
An example - Jones was having NONE OF IT when Harry Dean Stanton was trying to get him to come out of his hidey-hole.  “Um, HDS,” Jonesy mews, “there is a big mean motherfucker behind you and I’m pretty sure he’s gonna eat you.”  Harry Dean didn’t respond (he is SO not a multitasker) so Jonesy slinks back into the safe place and Harry bites the big one.  “Told you.”  Jonesy thinks. “Idiot."
Jonesy makes it off the Nostromo presumably in one piece (I think after the first film there was speculation that the alien had impregnated him...but no way - he’s a badass cat!), off to live another day and chase holographic mice.
(My drink pairing is a huge glass of milk.  If you don’t know why, go watch the movie immediately.)

Breakfast at Tiffany’s - released in 1961
Cat is the quintessential ginger tabby.  He’s big and handsome, mellow and independent.  He and Holly (Audrey Hepburn) have the perfect relationship…they lead totally independent lives together.
In reading about Cat today, this was a little gem I found and thought was spot on:  The simply named “Cat” endures all sorts of horrors as the pet of Audrey Hepburn’s Holly Golightly, not the least of which being Mickey Rooney’s racist depiction of Yunioshi.
I wouldn’t really call what he endured “horrors” per se (well, the Mickey Rooney performance to be sure).  He lived through some wild 1960's parties, some petting and a gooey smooch scene at the end.  He’s all mashed in between Audrey and George Peppard.  I’m sure he’s thinking, “Get. The fuck. Off me.”
Cat (real name: Orangey.  Seriously, person who named this cat?  That was the best you could do??) was quite the actor, apparently.  He was in The Incredible Shrinking Man and the Mission: Impossible television show.
He won a PATSY (animal equivalent of an Academy Award) for his work in this film.
(My drink pairing for this is a gin martini with a lemon twist.  Classy.)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - released in 2004
There are all sorts of theories about Crookshanks, apparently.  Originally owned by Lily Potter.  Is actually Regulus Black.  I love when people have a TON of time on their hands.
Crookshanks is another great ginger cat!  He takes care of business in the Harry Potter books and films.  He knows Scabbers is a big fake.  He is a friend of Padfoot (Sirius Black).  He’s kind of always a dick to Ron. 
Crookshanks is played by a cat named Crackerjack, and I read that the trainers had to collect all the hair he shed, ball it up and clip it back on to him to get his ratty, unkempt look.  Poor method-actor Crackerjack!  Plus, I have this picture in my mind of Crackerjack doing all his stunts, perfectly and in one take, but thinking “Jesus CHRIST it’s hot in here.  Can someone turn on a goddamn fan?”  In a British accent.
Okay, maybe not.
(Duh.  Drink Butterbeer.)

Puss in Boots
Shrek 2 - released in 2004
Well, come on.  You knew I was gonna add this one, right?
This was the first animated movie I worked on when I started at Dreamworks.  I remember sitting in animation dailies and our animator was creating the shot where Puss uses his sword to mark the tree with a P.  I couldn’t believe how stinkin’ adorable he was!  And then to hear Antonio Banderas’ super sexy voice coming out of him?  I thought “oh shit, this is gonna be big.”  I mean, what cat lady WOULDN’T want her adorable tomcat to sound like Antonio Banderas?  That’s like a win-win, right ladies?
Puss is the ultimate ladies cat, but loves his bros as well.  Once he meets Shrek and Donkey, they are bosom buddies and he’s loyal to the end.  Maybe not so cat-like, actually, but hey - it’s a cartoon.
Working on this film was a fantastic introduction to working at Dreamworks Animation.  I had a dream boss (lookin' at you, Dahlman!), the animators were not only top in their field but also so nice, and hilarious directors.  Then, it became the highest grossing animated film, holding that title until this year, I think.  What a way to start a new job, huh?
Puss arguably steals the movie.  He has SO many good lines, one of my favorite being when he's getting arrested and they find a little baggie in his boot.  "Catnip!" the guard cries.  "Um...that's not mine" says a sheepish Puss.  God love that little stoned cat!
(My drink pairing would be my (well deserved and certainly abused) drink of choice during those years...Margarita, on the rocks, no salt.)

My takeaways:
#1 - I helped rescue a ginger kitten when I was about 24 years old.  He grew into a fine cat and I've wanted one ever since.
#2 - I didn't mean to slight any other cat actors (cactors?).  Siamese, Persians, etc, have made their mark (figuratively) on the silver screen.  
#3 - If anyone is in a shitty mood, come visit me.  You can't stay grumpy when you watch a kitten play.  It's a law.


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