Thursday, January 9, 2020

A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far Far Away

Happy New Year, everyone!

I skipped posting in 2019…not sure if I was just uninspired by things I watched or maybe work was too much? Either way, I missed you guys.
I don’t think anyone who knows me at all is going to be surprised by this post.

So the last installment of the Skywalker saga happened. The end of an era.

I mean, seriously. I was in braces when Star Wars: A New Hope was released. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker? Cataract surgery. 

To prep for this momentous occasion, I did a deep dive re-watch. All the films in episodic order. I included Rogue One in my re-watch (Kristin, thank you for the excellent suggestion and the means to do this) because it’s an origin story that directly feeds into an episode. I did not include the Han Solo film.

I always say that Star Wars changed my life. It sparked my love of sci-fi and it shaped my idea of what my career could be. To be fair, I just wanted to live in that world and when I went to college I thought I needed to major in something that would be an actual job. I chose psychology (and if I’m being 100% honest with you all, I chose that because of the Newhart Show. Yup. I never said I made well thought out decisions.) and quickly realized that I would never get through the science stuff. 
*A quick aside. I’ve been watching a reality show that I may post about at a later date that has it’s cast do a meditative exercise where they speak to their high school selves from their current perspective. If I was doing that exercise I would absolutely tell myself to not undercut my intelligence. I may also tell myself to focus more.
Anyway, back to SW. I needed a major and asked myself what excited me. Movies. That was it. I became a film major.

So through a completely circuitous route that included refusing to ever move to Los Angeles, I ended up working in animation and VFX, meeting George Lucas briefly, and being an extra in an episode of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Ha! I’m a lucky girl!

I’m not here to “revue” any of these films. There are plenty of smarter people out there who have written about this ad nauseam. Like always, I’m just here to tell you what I thought upon my re-watch. In episodic order. 

Let’s get started.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace - released in 1999
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones - released in 2002
Star Wars Episode III:  Revenge of the Sith - released in 2005
I was NOT a fan of these first three when they originally came out. Upon re-watch, I’m still not a fan but I’ve softened.
  • If Jar Jar was deleted from the films, I might not have hated them entirely.
  • These movies are DARK. All three of them. I think Jar Jar was shoved in there for comic relief and clearly it didn’t work.
  • In Ep I the relationship between Anakin and Padme was uncomfortable because he was a little kid who IRL probably would cringe at the thought of kissing a girl and by Ep II and Ep III, he was manipulative and gross and they had ZERO chemistry.
  • I do love me some Ewan MacGregor.
  • Padme’s outfits influenced our belly dance headdresses. We had one elaborate concoction called the Princess Amidala.
  • When Ep III was released, Dreamworks Animation gave us a special screening (we were probably in crunch time so it’s better to have everyone see the movie in house and get it out of their system. Then get back to work!!). I remember when Anakin - now Darth Vader - shakes his fist and yells NOOOOOOOO, there was an audible snicker. SO dramatic, Anakin! Taking acting lessons from William Shatner? Anyway, I had the same reaction on the re-watch.
(My drink pairing for these episodes is my favorite drink of the late 90s / early 00s - Margarits, over ice, no salt)


Rogue One:  A Star Wars Story - released in 2016
I had forgotten how really good this movie was. I would argue that it’s the best made film of all.
  • Acting is so so good.
  • Relationship between Jyn and Cassian is refreshingly non-romantic yet they have a really touching bond - especially by the end.
  • The droid, K-2SO (voiced by the amazing Alan Tudyk) is wonderfully snarky and dreams of being more than a sum of his parts. Plus he really wants a gun.
  • The transition between the end of Rogue One and the beginning of Ep IV is very nearly seamless. 
(My drink pairing for this is a Moscow Mule. It's my drink of choice at the theater where I saw this film. It also made my memory of my original viewing a bit hazy.)

Star Wars Episode IV:  A New Hope - released in 1977
Star Wars Episode V:  The Empire Strikes Back - released in 1980
Star Wars Episode VI:  Return of the Jedi - released in 1983
Well, here we are. My jam.

So sweet!
  • I absolutely can not be objective about Ep IV because it’s the movie that changed my life. 
  • All three of these have wonderful humor and such great chemistry between the three leads.
    • This is especially interesting knowing what we now know about Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford. He was awful to her and just cements the fact that even at 19 years old she was a great actress.
  • These are the films that George Lucas apparently could NOT stop messing with. There are obviously a lot of added aliens and laser blasts but the most alarming change, which I hadn’t known previously, was changing the original Anakin Skywalker’s head for Hayden Christiansen. What. The. F.
  • One change that I heartily endorse is changing that horrible song from the end of Ep VI. 
  • Harrison Ford has amazing comic timing. 
(My drink pairing for these episodes is, without a doubt, blue milk. Hey, I wasn't old enough to drink when they came out!)

Who wore this head the best?

Star Wars Episode VII:  The Force Awakens - released in 2015
Star Wars Episode VIII:  The Last Jedi - released in 2017
Star Wars Episode IX:  The Rise of Skywalker - released in 2019
The newbies. In general, I really liked them!
  • I thought these films captured the feel of Eps IV - VI. More actual humor (not shoving some extra element (Jar Jar) in to add laughs) and great chemistry between the main characters.
  • I loved seeing Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, 3PO and R2 again.
  • Rey kicks serious ass. I also really liked the Kylo/Rey interactions.
  • Irritatingly but not surprisingly, the Emperor is a massive mansplainer. Bleh.
(Drink pairing for these epidodes is more Mules! The bar at the theater in question makes the best ones in SF.)

I'm a sucker for a family picture

My takeaways:
#1 - I’m not sure I’m ready in my life to not have Star Wars movies anymore but here’s hoping there will be other origin story films.
#2 - The Mandalorian is really, really good. 
#3 - I will never not miss Carrie Fisher being in the world. RIP General Organa.


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